ManeStay Instructions
Start by completing the I.C.E. form using
an ultra fine point Sharpie® brand marker.
Including an out-of-state phone number is a
good idea in case local service is compromised.

You can purchase the correct Sharpie® here:

Circle Yes or No
to let first responders know
if your equine is microchipped. This can save precious time spent scanning for a potentially nonexistent chip.

If you wish to attach ID to a braid, please use our I.C.E. UltraLite, as ManeStay is not designed to secure to a braid.

With 2 fingers holding ManeStay, use the thumb to press the plunger. This exposes ManeStay's hook.

Take a section of mane hair, hold it taut, then lay the ManeStay hook onto the hair. Release the plunger.

Be sure you see a "U" bend in the hair which occurs when the hair is fully drawn inside. Tug on the strap to fully "seat" ManeStay in place.

Best placement is in upper 1/3 of the mane and 10 inches from the ears. This way it's high on the body yet it won't bump the ears when the equine's head is down.

ManeStay relies on flexible (UNBRAIDED) hair to make a secure attachment. The hair must be flexible so that it
can be drawn fully into the ManeStay body. This will allow the stainless steel compression spring inside to
fully retract ManeStay's hook onto the hair.
This is critical to making a very secure connection to the hair.
It only takes 3 seconds but it must be done correctly.

Although ManeStay doesn't require a long mane to make a secure attachment, it does need enough length to be fully drawn inside and to create a "U" bend in the hair. Hair that is about 5" long is usually sufficient.
If you're unable to achieve this "U" with your equine's mane, ManeStay can be used in the tail as an alternative.
Be sure to tug on the strap to "seat" ManeStay.
NOTE: The coarseness of your animal's mane or tail hair will determine the amount of hair that can be placed inside ManeStay and still make a secure attachment.
We encourage you to practice attaching ManeStay right away, not when faced with an emergency.
Show others how to use it in case you're not present when emergency strikes.
Please note ManeStay is not designed for everyday use. If you wish to keep ID on your horse longer term, please consider our I.C.E. UltraLite which hooks through a mane braid or our I.C.E. Breakaway Halter. Or, attach our I.C.E. Halter ID to your current halter.
Its powerful spring puts 40 lbs. of pressure on the hair which presents a Pinch Risk.