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ManeStay provides the only fast, safe and dependable way to attach emergency contact information directly to the mane (or tail) of your horse, mule or donkey.


ManeStay Strap Color
  • ManeStay is constructed of a polycarbonate material, the same material used to make NFL helmets. Its stainless steel connector ring and compression spring also contribute to its strength and durability. Made in the U.S., its overall length is 8.75" and it weighs only 1.7 ounces!


    ManeStay's heat/flame resistance information is at the top of our FAQ page. Be sure to use an ultra fine point Sharpie® brand marker to ensure your contact information is permanent and waterproof.


    Please be sure to read our ManeStay Instructions page for simple step-by-step instructions to properly attach ManeStay. When you receive your ManeStay, practice attaching it a few times so you get the feel of it. Show others how to use it, too. Don't wait until you're faced with an emergency. Keep ManeStay in your "go kit" of emergency supplies or in an unlocked cabinet or container for easy access.

  • ManeStay is available with the standard Yellow nylon strap. Other options are Red, Hot Pink, Lime and Hot Orange nylon straps.  ManeStay's polycarbonate "body" is always Yellow.

All rights reserved. Sierra View Ranch General Store LLC 2015-2025.

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